Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Petite Soeur !

Bonsoir! I'm so happy finally they make Petite Soeur into a video clip. That was great, especially when Benjamin Duterde wore a baseball costume :D and also the marching bands part, where the whole band members appear with a big writing of I Know You By Heart, yeah je te connais par coeur ! . They even change the Fruit Loops into Ben Soul Loops! If i were Ben's little sister, i won't act that devilish , hahaha. I thought the music will be the same as the original song, unfortunately it's not. I like the original version better, but it's great for a video clip.
 c'est beau!

Anyway, the French class today was fun! We learn about Savoir - Vivre en France( The manners in France) . For examples when you are in a restaurant , then you have to call the waitress with Madame or Monsieur. Even the waitress is younger than us. Yeap, it's for politeness of course. And the second is, Serrer la Main et Faire de Bise. Shakes hands when you meet someone new and then you introduce each other and kiss each other cheek ( with family or the closest friends ), bien sûr ! haha. The third thing is when you invite someone to a diner, you have to come with a little gift, such as flower and wine. Attention, this doesn't mean only for girlfriend or boyfriend, you can give it for your granny or your teacher. And when you're gona buy the flowers and wines in a little shop, the vendeur will help you to find the best choice according to how much money you have! Hmm, how sweet.

Blog you soon!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Le Coup de Foudre!

Well, I knew this band since last year, when i was watching TV5Monde Accoustic. TV5Monde is the only French channel that i have in Indonesia. I was just started the French class , so i'm a lil' bit curious about the music. The first time heard it, i just fell in love with their music, especially the vocalist Benjamin Duterde, he's cute ,hahaha. They're in Motown France by the way, how great. He really have a wonderful voice. I've heard all of their songs and really enjoying it, even though i'm not into the soul music. This morning i thought that i just wanna spend this sunday with travelling their music. And the bad thing is, i just knew they have an English version of Soulman ! ah how come i didn't know that? The English Version is grrrreat, and the live version of Petite Soeur is tempting . :D

They did the cover of Pink Martini's song Sympathique and they nailed it! Big success for them.
Soulman, Demain J'arrete, Petite Soeur and Ain't Off to the Back is some of my favorite tracks from their album.
It's good to learn a new language through music. I wish they can come and play their music in Jakarta.

Viens içi les gars!